‘cause alcohol is bad right?
Well no, not really. Drinking alcohol, is not bad (though drinking it pure kinda is), studies show that to some extend it can even be beneficiary against for instance diabetes or heart disease. It’s alcohol abuse that’s bad for you… and your surroundings. Even from a psychological point of view, being able to lower some restrains at times, especially in a safe and familiar environment, can be good for you, again within limits. Taking a break form stress inducing factors may at times give you the opportunity to get an objective view and put things in their right perspective, when the perspective is a spinning room however, you overdid it.
In a long series of modern day forms of chronic suicide like smoking, sunbathing, stress and fast food, alcohol is one of those that can be managed quite well. It’s the excesses that give it it’s bad rep. Drinking and driving, or as some would call it Russian roulette with chance of collateral damage is one of those serious drawbacks. Then again, is that the booze or the bastard’s fault? What makes alcohol famous and feared is the way it alters behavior, it’s one of those few socially accepted drugs, so we’re confronted with it’s effects more often. However in contradiction to most drugs alcohol can be enjoyed without going for the intoxication or with perhaps the so called “slight buzz”. I personally don’t see anything wrong with that.