28 September 2012

Instagram, the way to world peace

Yes I am THAT interesting, peace!

Yesterday I a news item that stated that instagram has become bigger than twitter. I am not surprised, what better way to give in to humanity’s inherent exhibitionism than photographing every aspect of your life and share it with the world? When I see pics on instagram, that’s including my own, I see food, self-portraits and cats more than anything else. So, we love to eat, we love ourselves and we love our pets. I believe that viewing those favorites we might actually be on our way to achieving a better world, especially considering our need to share.

Okay that may have sounded a bit sarcastic but seriously, I am all for instagram and similar social applications. We share our thoughts, our views on life and in a way are becoming increasingly creative in doing so. How easy is it to grow understanding when you see what a Muslim eats, how a Christian likes to see himself or how a Buddhist enjoys the creatures around him.

I say implant the whole world with instant instagram chips, world peace in no time…… that or total chaos.

26 September 2012

Tarot of Death, Free online reading

Once again I am using this channel for shameless promotion. I want my designs out there people! And I want to make shitloads of money in the process, but I am willing to work for it.

So here’s two things you might consider.

  1. Uniquely designed t-shirt. Through the service of spreadshirt I can make any design I do into t-shirts, I-phone cases, baseball caps, thongs, you name it. Of course anyone can do so on spreadshirt, but only I can do it with designs I make… according to your wishes. So if you want that one and only (design will not be used again) item, let me know and we will work something out.
  2. Up till the end of the year I will do a free online tarot reading with purchase of any of my “Tarot of Death” items.

Free online Tarot reading with purchase of any “Tarot of Death” item.

Mail me the payment confirmation together with the specific question you want me to answer with tarot and preferred tarot deck you want me to use* and you will receive your reading back by mail. This will be a high quality picture (with a print out of your mail so you can see it all uniquely yours) of the cards with expansive explanation.

This promotion runs until the end of December 2012
*Rider Waite, Crowley Toth, ShadowScapes, Giger, Alchemy, Liber T, Goddes, Dark Angels, Da Vinci, Dali (more options available at request)

25 September 2012

Heb je gehoord van dat feest?

(Sorry in Dutch)

Spontaan feest in Haren enorm succes.

Hey heb je gehoord van dat feest? Door een foutje kwamen hele hordes tieners naar een normaal rustige gemeente om een verjaardag te vieren van iemand op facebook. Gelukkig had iedereen het van te voren zien aankomen en werd de jeugd op het station al ontvangen met sandwich en een flesje cola, gesponsord door de spoor kiosk, al die litertjes cola die er doorheen gingen zorgden in ieder geval dat niet iedere tiener naar de drank greep.

ME en andere beveiliging onopvallend aanwezig
Via een uitgezette wandelroute werden alle bezoekers zoveel mogelijk buiten centrum en woonwijken om naar een nabijgelegen terrein geleid waar een podium klaarstond en verschillende bands belangeloos optraden. Verschillende instanties waren aanwezig om in feestvreugde te delen en hun merken of politieke partijen te promoten. Groen link (waar zie je ze niet?) betrokken als altijd richtte duidelijk alvast hun pijlen op de stemmers van de komende generatie en sponsorde een deel van de kosten.

Natuurlijk was er wel beveiliging aanwezig, MOJO concerts had uit hun lijst van betaalde en vrijwillige medewerkers mensen geronseld en maakte meteen van de gelegenheid gebruik om hun concert agenda voor de komende maanden te promoten. Maar de beveiligers waren veelal in burger of stonden uit het zicht, ze hadden goed door dat provocatie bij zo’n groep jongeren averechts werkt.

Jeugd gedroeg zich voorbeeldig
Na een leuke avond ging de enthousiaste meute op huis aan, er werd zelfs nog een inzameling gedaan voor een leuk cadeautje voor het meisje dat haar sweet sixteen vierde waar het allemaal mee begon. Nederland op haar best liet zien dat het van een dreigende crisis een groot succes kon maken. De plannen voor de verjaardag van volgend jaar zijn al in de maak, er word gesproken van een groot festival waarvan de opbrengsten naar een goed doel gaan.

Had je gehoord van dat feest? Nee?

Jammer he?

24 September 2012

Goodbye summer (autumn rant)

I seem to have a mild case of autumn blues, well not mild really and perhaps depression would be more accurate than “the blues”. I feel like a little juice box completely emptied, squeezed to the last drop. Now off course I can go on facebook and post some semi dramatic and vague posts so people will ask me what is wrong, but that’s not me, besides I give people who do act like this hell when they do, why give them the means to get back at me? So I just hand you the facts and let’s see if you can be friendly.

Oh the joy
Autumn makes me severely melancholic to begin with, also somehow autumn seems to be that time of year when shit decides to hurl itself into the fan and financial misery rears his head, feuds, fight and serious battles break out for no reason other than me naturally being always right and having to share this with the world. Then there is my lovely memory that keeps on bugging me how autumn is the most dramatic part of the year and helps me down by playing “memories of yesteryear” in my masochistic theatre of the mind…. Joy. And oh yeah, the weather sucks bigtime, and being completely dependent on my bike for travel beyond anything than 10 meters, yes that means to work every day, I can once again look forward to nearly drowning on my way to work and back in the lovely Dutch version of hell; autumn weather.

semi-apocalyptic weather
Okay now I have that rant behind me I can go on with reporting to you… those few readers out there who somehow got trapped in this part of the internet, what happened to me in the last few months. Since so few blogs came out I must have had one hell of a busy summer right? Wrong, sorry, it’s not that I don’t love you, it’s not you… it’s me, I just didn’t feel like writing here. I have a weekly column in Dutch as some may know on enchantingbeauty and that has been enough of an outlet to keep me going. I’d love to say that I am picking up the pace here again, but that would be making a promise I have no idea of how and if I am going to keep it. Fot now let’s just say, I love writing here and a long as page is up, I might actually post every once in a while, even though most of visitors seem to be coming from google in search of pictures I have up here (Edward Twilight, Trollface, Skyrim Nocturnal), right nobody looking for spiritual guidance.

Anyhoo, don’t let me bring you down go find something beter to do online, look up some porn, lolcats, or hey… check out my t-shirt shop, it’s cool. On that subject BTW, I know it’s just a few shirts up there but keep in mind that anything is possible, other designs, unique designs created at you directions or other types of shirts, hoodies or even umbrella’s, just contact me and we’ll work something out. In case the shop down there (scroll down) is too difficult to find, you can also click this link. Nice eh?

Okay, by for now, I may sound like someone who just pissed vinegar but remember I love you guys.

19 September 2012

Nocturnal Lure designs T- Shirts

Starting today I will be trying to make a few extra bucks by selling t-shirts via Spreadshirt.

I’m going to do a trial period and I am curious to find out how this will turn out. Many people have asked me for T-shirt designs, but I have never been able to actually deliver on this demand. From now on I at least I can answer, yes… you can have a t-shirt with that design.

Further information on this and how to order will follow soon. For now, you can look at the first simple designs here NocturnalLure.spreadshirt.nl


Yes I do need the money, but my main motivation is to promote and share my artwork.