19 October 2010



So this week might be one of the busiest this year, starting with me being sick last Wednesday, this weekend disassembling an old closet and assembling a new one from what appears to be six hundred and sixty-six individual pieces of which at least half can be used the wrong way…. Which I did, making a two hour job last for two seemingly endless days of swearing, sweating and weeping. Monday there was the Team Ixani team meeting, interesting and fun but the spiritual equivalent of sitting between five humming speakers, in no way relaxing.. Tuesday and Wednesday will be my first two open Tarot sessions from five till six after which a 45 minute bike ride home through rain and wind will start of an evening of; Tuesday, with a mate coming over to play xbox and Wednesday, me having to go right through to my parents house for dinner…. no rest for the wicked indeed. Thursday I will entertain a party of five with my awesome but energy consuming “Tarot beginners workshop”, for which quite some preparation is necessary, after which Friday I will be having my fantastic son over for the weekend, a weekend ending with Cirque du Soleil on Sunday, then Wednesday I will be going to Amsterdam to see Apocalyptica in “De Melkweg”.

Keep in mind, all this while feeling Ill, working 42 “regular” hours and having to do most traveling by bike through severe wind and rain…. To top it all, both my stereoheadsets have now broken literally in two. I admit it’s an awesome week full of fun activities, but with my current energy reserve I hope I will actually have the energy to enjoy it all. Lousy planning yes, but hey some things just happen.

Free tarot decks, tarot chest and free online readings

I hope you peeps appreciate this blog after seeing how my week is planned…. Next blog will be about the Samhain Tarot giveaway with “Ixani” spiritual and New Age shop.

For all you Dutchies out there, come visit the Ixani forum and webshop, other countries join the forum anyway and start a thread in your own language ;-) :

Ixani : http://www.ixani.nl
Forum: http://ixani.forum2go.com (English speaking? Doesn’t matter just start an English speaking topic and I’ll join in)
Ixani Webshop: http://www.webshop.ixani.nl/
Team Ixani ( guides, coaches and the like ) : http://www.praktijkruimte.ixani.nl

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